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Why All Homeowners Need Home Insurance

When you own a home, one of the essential things you must do is get a home insurance policy. These policies are required by your lender, your HOA, and the covenants you agree to. Even if you don’t have this requirement, keeping this coverage for your own protection is vital. If you don’t have home insurance, you’re vulnerable to a wide range of risks that can mean serious financial problems. Being financially vulnerable can take away from a homeowner’s peace of mind. For many reasons, it’s vital to have home insurance for protection. Call us at Affordable Insurance Inc. in Mountain Home, AR to get started.

Various Types of Protection

Many types of coverage are included in your home policy. One of these is protection for the house itself. The policy will protect the house from many different risks, such as certain types of accidents and disasters. This coverage pays for the repairs needed after such an incident. Another type of vital protection is item coverage. This covers all of the items in your home against similar incidents as the dwelling coverage. This can pay for items to be replaced after they’ve been destroyed or damaged. You also get liability protection in the policy in case of accidents. 

Financial Risk Mitigation

When you have home insurance for your home, you’re protecting yourself against a wide range of risks that could put you in a bad position financially. If a serious incident happens to or in your house, financial devastation could be the result if you don’t have home insurance. Don’t take that risk when getting a home insurance policy, which is easy. 

Get Home Insurance

Every homeowner needs this important coverage for financial safety and peace of mind. To get started, contact Affordable Insurance Inc. in Mountain Home, AR.

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How to Make Sure Your Renter’s Policy Covers Your Valuables

Renting in Mountain Home, AR comes with advantages. You aren’t liable for repairs or keeping the property in excellent condition. You don’t have to worry about homeowner’s insurance or many of the headaches that come with ownership. Despite that, you do want to ensure the things you own inside the home are still protected, and you need the right renter’s insurance policy.

How do you make sure your valuables are covered? You can do that in two steps.

Start With Basic Coverage

Each plan differs, but a standard renter’s policy might cover between $100,000 and $500,000 in total liabilities. The policy customization, which you will work out with your Affordable Insurance Inc. representative, will determine this.

Still, these numbers help you gauge the ballpark of the renter’s coverage. If your policy is robust enough to potentially replace everything you care about in the event of the worst, then that’s a great start and probably good enough.

Sometimes, though, you have very special items that require special coverage.

Scheduled Endorsements

This is where scheduled endorsements come into play. A scheduled personal property endorsement is like a special clause in your renter’s policy that ensures the item (or items) you care about gets the coverage they need.

To set up such a clause, you usually need a formal appraisal of the item(s) in question. With that appraisal, you can customize the policy to ensure adequate coverage.

If you want perfect renter’s insurance in Mountain Home, AR, have a conversation with your Affordable Insurance Inc. representative. They’ll walk you through the process to ensure you’re protected in all the ways that matter to you.

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Ways to Keep Cabinet Items Steady While You’re on the Road

Engaging in RV travel is thrilling and distinct. RV enthusiasts, especially beginners, often underestimate the potential havoc on loose items during turns or over bumpy terrains. With invaluable insights from Affordable Insurance Inc. in Mountain Home, AR, this article presents effective solutions to keep your belongings from toppling or flying out of their storage places while cruising in your RV.

How to Avoid Falling and Flying Items

Essential to RVing is keeping items from tumbling out of cabinets or sliding off surfaces. A common tool to tackle this challenge is by creating barriers. For instance, small tension rods can be placed across refrigerator shelves or bookshelves to prevent large items from tumbling over. Bracing cabinet door knobs or pulls with bungee cords is also an excellent option.

Consider installing quake latches or child-safe latches on cabinet doors and drawers for added security. Safety locks on fridge and freezer doors can further prevent unanticipated spills. Don’t restrict these strategies to the kitchen alone; apply them throughout the RV.

Preventing Damage from Stationary Items

Items should remain immobile to prevent damage or spillage. For example, bottles in the refrigerator that can’t fit in the door can be placed in a high-walled canister or tray. Plates can be arranged in a rack secured with quake putty, while knickknacks can be fastened to surfaces using the same material.

For items that cannot be permanently affixed with putty, consider using silicone mats to inhibit their movement. Remember, safe travels begin with a firmly secured living space.

RV insurance is another crucial part of RV living and travel. Contact Affordable Insurance Inc. in Mountain Home, AR, for excellent options.

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Things To Do Now And Prepare For Warmer Weather

How to Prepare Your Home for The Upcoming Warmer Weather

As the snow melts away and the temperature gradually edges towards comfort, there is a checklist of tasks you need to accomplish around your property to gear up for the impending warmth. Let’s review those tasks one by one.

Clean Out Your Gutters

Ahead of the warm showers, ensuring your gutters are devoid of any blockages is critical. Winter months can lead to a buildup of waste from trees, wildlife, and the weather, causing your gutters to fill or obstruct.

Repaint Your Deck and Exterior

Intense heat can make your deck cumbersome to clean—a chore you may continually postpone. If your deck requires a paint job, you could risk it cracking or buckling from the heat unless it’s promptly addressed. This principle also applies to other parts of your home’s exterior that need painting.

Undertake a Power Wash Session on Your Home

Regardless of your home siding type, power washing your house is recommended at least bi-annually. As this activity can be laborious and require prolonged sun exposure, tackling it during spring, before the arrival of high temperatures is advisable. Power washing helps rid your home of any unwanted dirt and mildew that may have accumulated over the winter.

Inspect Your HVAC System

While attending to your gutters and power washing your home, don’t forget to check your HVAC system for any visible damage or leaks. If necessary, a swift inspection and prompt repair can save you a headache as the weather warms up.

Need a Quote for Home Insurance?

If you reside in the Mountain Home, AR vicinity and are on the market for a quote on home insurance, connect with our team at Affordable Insurance Inc today. We’re here to help you gain peace of mind about your property’s protection.

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Three Great Reasons to Get Full Coverage Auto Insurance

When you get car insurance, you’ll be faced with the decision of whether to get liability insurance or full coverage. While full coverage costs more, it offers many benefits that can be very beneficial in the event of an accident or breakdown. 

If you’re shopping for car insurance, the experts at Affordable Insurance Inc., serving Mountain Home, AR, can help you decide which type of auto insurance is right for you.

Below are three great reasons to get full coverage auto insurance for your vehicle:

1. Probably required if you have a loan or a lease.

If you’re buying a new car or a pre-owned vehicle with a loan, or if you’re leasing a vehicle, then full coverage is likely a requirement in order to drive your vehicle off the lot. If you’re getting a loan, your bank should give you specific instructions about the type of insurance you’re required to get. Your car dealership will give you instructions for a lease. Either way, plan to get full coverage.

2. Can help you avoid a large mechanic bill after an accident.

If you have auto liability insurance only, then you’ll be paying to repair your own vehicle after an auto accident if you are found at fault. Getting full coverage makes it easier to get your car repaired.

3. Offers many extra benefits that you can’t get from liability insurance.

Full coverage auto insurance often offers many extra benefits like certain roadside assistance benefits and uninsured motorist coverage. This means that you’re extra protected on the road. 

Have questions about whether full coverage auto insurance is right for you?

Contact Affordable Insurance Inc., serving Mountain Home, AR, to find out more about full coverage policies and to get a quote. 

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How to Back Up Your Renters Insurance Claim

The time to buy renters insurance is the first day you move into a rental. When you suffer a loss or damage, it’s too late to turn back time and wish you’d purchased this value type of insurance from Affordable Insurance Inc. serving Mountain Home, AR. If it does come down to making a claim, here are some ideas to back it up.

How to Back Up Your Renters Insurance Claim

Keep Your Receipts

Whenever you buy something new for your rental, be sure to keep your receipt. You aren’t just keeping it in case you need to make a return or exchange. That receipt proves two things: One, that you own the item, and two, the retail value of the item. If it’s lost or damaged, you can submit the receipt with your claim to expedite the process.

Take Photos

It sounds redundant, but having a photo with you and your possession also helps to prove ownership—and the condition of your item—in the event that you end up having to make a claim on your renters’ insurance in Mountain Home, AR.

Make a Police Report

Some people are cynical about filing a police report when a possession is stolen. They figure that the police have better things to do than look for a stolen bike, etc. But filing a police report adds gravitas to your renters’ insurance claim. In addition, if your stolen item is recovered, the insurance company can recoup its own costs for compensating you for the claim.

Obtain a Replacement Cost

Your insurance company will need to know how much it would cost you to replace the item. Get three quotes and be prepared to submit them along with your claim.

Call Today To Discuss Your Options

If you have questions about renters insurance or need help with filing a claim, contact your insurance representative at Affordable Insurance Inc. today.

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Which types of vehicles are covered by RV insurance?

Determining which vehicles are covered by RV insurance may seem difficult; the answer is more straightforward than it first appears. Of course, the Affordable Insurance Inc. team serving the Mountain Home, AR area can answer all your questions and ensure you have the RV coverage you need.

RV Types and Insurance

RV insurance covers four RV types that can overlap in their appointments.

Class A RVs are top-of-the-line models that are up to 45 feet long. Built on a commercial truck or bus chassis, they are often viewed as a house on wheels, sleeping up to 8 people. A typical Class A RV has a full kitchen, bathroom with showers, washer and dryer, full-screen TV, and many other amenities. 

Class B RVs are built on full-size van frames and resemble delivery vans. Standard outfitting includes a galley with a burner, a small refrigerator, a bathroom, and living and sleeping space for 1 or 2 people.

Class C RVs fall between Classes A and B in length and weight and are built on a small truck or cutaway chassis. They often have sleeping space overhanging the cab, while their amenities range from near-luxury to modest.

Towable RV, or fifth-wheel camper, is pulled by trucks with a fifth-wheel attachment and substantial towing capacity. Towable RVs can be as large and luxurious as many Class A RVs. Unlike the other RVs, the towable’s insurance covers only the RV. The truck’s insurance covers the liability and other insurance needs.

We Are Here To Help

Our team at Affordable Insurance Inc., serving Mountain Home, AR will help you address your RV or other insurance needs. So, give us a call or stop in today to ensure you and your RV have the right coverage.

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Understanding Motorcycle Insurance

As a motorcycle rider in Mountain Home, AR, you’ll be interested in knowing more about motorcycle insurance and ways carrying insurance from a company such as Affordable Insurance Inc. can benefit and protect you. As a responsible rider, you’ll want to carry motorcycle insurance before you take your motorcycle on the roadways.

This insurance will offer you financial protection in the event of collisions, theft, or vandalism to your motorcycle and liability coverage to protect your assets in case you injure someone else or damage their property. 

Factors That Determine Coverage Provisions

Type of Motorcycle: The year, make, and model of the motorcycle will play a big role in determining your insurance coverage.

Your Age and Experience: Your age and the amount of experience you have with regard to driving motorcycles also help determine the coverage you need. 

Your location: The location you live in also helps determine the rates you pay. If you live in a big city, then the risks may be higher because there will be an increased chance of claims. 

The Benefits of Carrying Motorcycle Insurance

The biggest benefit to carrying motorcycle insurance as a rider in Mountain Home, AR that’s provided by a company such as Affordable Insurance Inc. is knowing that you’re following the law.

You will also have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be protected against certain types of losses. For example, if your motorcycle is stolen, and you carry full coverage on it, then you can be compensated for the loss, so you can replace the motorcycle. You will also be protected from being sued. 

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Four things to consider when you update your boat insurance policy

Making changes to your boat insurance policy can help ensure that your boat’s value is protected and you’re covered for the liability risks you face out on the water. Affordable Insurance Inc. is an insurance provider covering boat owners in Mountain Home, AR. We can help you make sure that your boat insurance policy is customized to your unique needs.

We encourage boat owners to periodically reevaluate their boat insurance coverage through the years.

The following are four things to consider when you update your boat insurance policy:

The navigational area in which you’ll be using your boat in the future

Your boat insurance provider needs to know where you plan to use your boat. Your insurance policy will only be in effect in certain navigational areas that the fine print of your policy specifies. You need to know the navigational limits of your policy. 

Modifications you’ve made to your boat

Modifying your boat can increase your boat value or make your boat safer. Both of these situations can impact your boat insurance premiums and your insurance coverage needs. 

Changes to your boat storage solution

Where you store your boat and the amount of time per year that your boat is in storage can impact your boat insurance costs.

When you update your policy, consider whether your boat storage practices are different than they were in the past. Notify your insurance provider of any changes. 

Changes in your financial situation

You might want to invest in more boat insurance coverage if you now have more funds available. Increasing the coverage on your boat insurance policy can end up saving you a lot of money in the long run if you have to file a claim. 

We Are Here To Help

At Affordable Insurance Inc., we’re here to answer any questions you have about boat insurance in Mountain Home, AR. Call us today if you’re interested in getting a quote on a boat insurance policy.

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Flood insurance for homebuyers: what do you need to know before getting a policy

If you are a homeowner and you want to protect your valuable investment, flood insurance is something that you need to consider. However, before buying a flood insurance policy, there are certain nuances you need to understand. Affordable Insurance Inc., serving the  Mountain Home, AR region, is here to assist with the things you should know when looking for flood insurance: 

Flood Insurance: Things You Should Know

  • Insurance costs. There are certain factors that might affect the cost of your flood insurance. The most common factors include the location of your property, elevation, flood risk, and the level of coverage you choose. 
  • 30-day waiting period. Most insurance companies selling flood insurance apply a 30-day waiting period. It means that you will have to wait 30 days before your flood insurance kicks in. Therefore, it is very important to buy flood insurance in advance. 
  • Risk assessment. Consider the property’s flood risk before buying any flood insurance policy. To find out whether the home is in a flood zone and whether it might experience flooding, consult flood maps and speak with local authorities or insurance agents.

Reach Out To Us

Are you a homeowner residing in Mountain Home, AR or any other nearby town in Arizona? Are you considering buying flood insurance to protect your valuable property? Do not hesitate to contact Affordable Insurance Inc. We specialize in different types of insurance, including flood insurance as well. Our knowledgeable and experienced insurance agents will answer your questions and provide you with the information you need. Feel free to call us or visit our website. 

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